How to Do Hot Stone Massage

How to Do Hot Stone Massage

A hot stone massage consists of warm, smooth stones being placed on key points of the human body. Such a massage relaxes the muscles which helps calm the nervous system and improve circulation. Learn the basics of this ancient practice by reading the following steps.


Clean your stones thoroughly before each use. Products such as Odoban will deodorize and disinfect the stones. Hospitals and massage professionals use these frequently.


Place the stones in a crock pot on a low setting, making sure the lid is off. Heat them for 30 minutes before using them. Check them frequently, making sure they are not burning.


Have your companion lie face down on a mat or massage table. Allow them to adjust the area as they see fit, for comfort. Drape their legs with a sheet to create a barrier between their skin and the stones.


Put a rock on the upper left leg, mid hamstring, back of knee and calf. Next, use a larger stone to massage the right leg, working your technique towards the heart area. After finishing the right leg, place several unused rocks on this leg (same positions as the left), and then remove the rocks from the left leg. Repeat the procedure (massaging the left leg) with a larger hot stone.


Drape your subject's lower back and gluteal area with a fresh sheet. Cover the lower back with rocks (to heat the muscles) and begin to massage the gluteal area with a large hot stone.


Continue by draping the entire back, placing stones on the shoulders, traps and neck. Remove the stones from your partner's lower back and massage the area with several large stones.


Remove the stones from the upper back and neck and begin massaging the area. Once you have completed your massage, have your partner turn over on the table.


Cover both legs and place stones on the upper, mid and lower thighs. Insert several thin stones in between the toes of both feet.


Massage the upper arms using hot stones to glide over the entire area. Drape and place stones on both pecs once you have finished massaging the arms.


Remove stones from the left leg and foot, following with massage and stone gliding. Repeat the procedure with the right leg and foot.


Complete the hot stone massage by removing stones from the pecs, following with a nice massage to the area.

Tips & Warnings

Consult your doctor prior to this treatment to check for contraindications. Generally, anyone with skin issues, receiving radiation or chemotherapy, prone to blood clots or pregnant should avoid the hot stone massage.

Make sure your stones never exceed temperatures over 125 degrees F.

Avoid placing stones on the arms, since they are difficult to position and fall off easily.

How to Do Hip-Toe Stretching

How to Do Hip-Toe Stretching

Unlike traditional Western massage, Thai massage works with the body's energy lines and pressure points, involving stretching movements as well as pressure. The hip-toe stretch is a Thai massage technique that opens up the body from the toes through the neck, focusing mainly on the energy lines of the feet and legs.


Pick up her right foot, supporting it with your right hand under the heel and grasping the top of her foot with your left hand. Move your own leg underneath her leg on a diagonal to provide support as you to the hip-toe stretching.


Rotate his foot by moving your torso in a circular direction and allowing the foot to come with your torso. Make sure the rotation is full enough to affect his hip socket. You should see the bone moving in and out of the socket unless he's not flexible in that joint. Once you rotate a few times in one direction, rotate in the other direction.


Create a stretch all the way up her body to her neck by holding the top of her foot with your left hand and wrapping your fingers around her upper arch. Pull outwards on her arch while keeping her leg in the same position.


Open his leg fully by moving your hand to the middle of the arch and pulling. Move your hand back to the upper arch and stretch once more to fully open his leg.


Grasp the outside of her foot with your right hand and wrap your fingers around her upper sole, keeping your right hand on top of her foot. Turn her foot into your body, moving your torso to get a better stretch. Move your hand to the middle of her foot and stretch. Complete the stretch by moving your hand back to her upper sole and then back to the middle.


Stretch each of his toes individually by grabbing a toe, rotating it in both directions and then pulling it gently towards you.


Repeat Step 1 through Step 7 with her other leg to make sure you stretch both sides of her body equally. Symmetry is an important consideration in Thai massage, as in all other massage forms.

How to do Henna tattoo

How to do Henna tattoo

Indian art of temporary tattoo which is also called Henna tattoo. Henna is made out of dried henna leaves which are powdered and mixed with water to a consistency to make designs on the clean skin. the natural pigment in the henna leaves has the orange tint which transfers on to the skin temporarily. this is semi permanent for about a week and fades away to nothing.

In India henna is used for various medical reasons like taking the body heat away, cracked heel repair and for its anti-fungal qualities.

you can buy henna powder from any indian stores. you ca even buy a ready made henna cones which are easy to use and mess free. I have below explained both ways of doing the tattoo.

Things You'll Need:

Henna powder (Indian stores) or ready made Henna cones.


Zip lock bag


tooth pick


Take a glass bowl and mix Henna powder and water bringing it to a consistency of whipped cream. make sure there are no lumps. Leave the mixture for half an hour to set, covering with the cling film for the mixture not to get dried up. with the ready made cones you can use it straight away.


take a Zip lock bag and transfer the mixture in to it and make the bag like an icing cone.


draw the design of your choice on the area where you want to tattoo to make the job easy. make sure the area of the skin is free from moisturizer or any other cream.


now take the bag with the mixture and cut an end making a very very small hole. same with the ready made cones, cut the end just big enough for the henna to come out as think as the pen mark. use the bag as an icing bag and follow the design on the skin. leave the design to be dried which takes normally 15 to 20 minutes.


wash it off and apply some moisturizer. you will be left with an orange tint on the skin. the color varies from skin to skin depending on the age of the henna leaves and the body heat. the color can range from very light orange tint to almost black. and again this color changes from day to day till it fades. it can get lighter to darker to lighter again.


Henna is a herbal tattoo so its as safe as just using a pen on your skin. however some ready made henna cones contains some chemicals ( not harsh ) to enhance the color on the skin. some people are allergic to this.


some people are not good at using the cone style, for those i suggest making the consistency of the mixture more liquid. take a tooth pick as this is wooden its safe. dip the tooth pick in the mixture and draw the design on the skin, like using the feather pen. which ever style you choose, it gives the same results.

How to Do Facial Calisthenics for Headache Relief

How to Do Facial Calisthenics for Headache Relief

If you're one of the millions of people who are plagued with headaches, set aside a few minutes and try some facial calisthenics for headache relief. If you learn to control the muscles in your face and neck, even severe headaches can often be averted.


Relax your entire body. Sit in a darkened room and turn on some relaxing music.


Focus on the eye area. Relax, take a deep breath and exhale slowly. Scrunch together the muscles around your eyes, applying as much pressure as you can. Hold the scrunch for 2 to 3 seconds, and then relax. Repeat several times.


Close your eyes and relax your entire body for a few seconds.


Lower your jaw as far as possible, applying as much tension as you can. Move your lowered jaw as far to the right as possible and hold for 2 seconds. Move it back to the center and then to the left as far as possible. Repeat several times and relax.


End with a scalp massage. Put the pads of your second and third fingers on each side of your temple, and massage the area in a circular motion with moderate pressure. Inhale and exhale slowly as you massage. Continue massaging the area for several seconds, or as long as it feels good. Take a deep, relaxing breath before returning to your daily activities.

How to Do Event Sports Massage

How to Do Event Sports Massage

Event massage is done at parties or gatherings where it usually consists of a table or chair and the massage lasts anywhere from 10 to 15 minutes. Read on to learn how to do event


Understand that event sports massages are the most popular things that many people request at their gathering. It's a great way to give guests a chance to de-stress themselves for a few minutes.


Keep in mind that sports massage at events is good for students and employees to unwind for a few minutes.


Know that sports massage at events is also the time massage students practice what they learned in class on actual people.

Tips & Warnings

Clients should disclose any and all medical problems prior to getting a massage.

How to Do Emotional Clearing

How to Do Emotional Clearing

Carrying around emotional baggage gets awfully heavy after a while. Those negative feelings can stop you from becoming the person you want to be. It could also leave you with resentments, problems trusting others and health issues. Emotional clearing is vital to live a happy life.


Dismiss denial. Recognize and admit that the emotional pain has caused some problems in your life. The first step in moving on is to see what you have to work on.


Acknowledge the way you feel about it. Whatever caused you to feel the way you do must be dealt with. Become vulnerable and allow yourself to feel sad, angry or have a good cry.


Quit blaming yourself and others. To do some effective emotional clearing you have to stop blaming. It's time to move forward and let go of the resentments.


Practice forgiveness. Forgiving others is more for your benefit than the other person. It is about healing and becoming whole again.


Grieve the loss of someone you love. Many emotional issues deal with death. Allow yourself to feel the pain of loss. Write down what you want to say and let out all those feelings on paper.


Clearing away emotional baggage can be done with a spiritual approach. Seek spirituality in your life. Read meditations to help with psychological healing or join a church or a support group.


Get professional help. If you aren't able to clear away emotional pain on your own, don't be afraid to ask for help. You are not a failure or a weakling.

How to Follow a Holistic Medicine Lifestyle

How to Follow a Holistic Medicine Lifestyle

Holistic medicine is an approach to health that seeks to treat the whole person rather than just a condition. Through practices like yoga, nutrition and acupuncture, holistic medical practitioners endeavor to help individuals attain a healthy lifestyle that includes attention to spiritual and emotional factors. Follow these steps to find out what holistic medicine could do for you.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access

Access to holistic medicine practitioners or books

Investigate Holistic Medicine


Begin by learning more about holistic medicine. The Web site of the "American Holistic Health Association" (see Resources below) provides good information on how you can adopt the holistic lifestyle.


Buy a reference book like Norman D. Ford's "Lifestyle for Longevity" (see Resources below).


Consider visiting holistic practitioners for advice and consultation. The "American Holistic Health Association" Web site has a tool you can use to find practitioners (see Resources below).


Remember that to follow the holistic lifestyle, you must pay as much attention to your emotional, spiritual and mental health as you do your physical health. Tending to your relationships and your emotional needs is an important part of beginning to adopt a new lifestyle.

Start With the Basics


Begin by getting good nutrition. Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. For protein, eat fish and lean meat. Avoid junk food.


Maintain or achieve an appropriate weight. Consult a practitioner if you need help to reach that weight.


Reduce stress. Follow an exercise regimen that releases endorphins and maintains a healthy body weight. Consider taking up yoga or tai chi. It's believed that both can provide mental and spiritual benefits as well as physical ones. Even a brisk, 20-minute walk outdoors will help clear your mind and get your heart pumping.


Stop drinking too much alcohol. Don't smoke.


Get plenty of rest. Sleep is restorative. Adequate sleep and recreation are important parts of a healthy lifestyle.


Learn to pay attention to your body. It will often tell you just what it needs.


Take some time to be alone. Reflect and meditate.

Tips & Warnings

Begin a holistic medicine lifestyle by reading books on the subject as well as by talking to people who follow this lifestyle.

Holistic living in and of itself is inexpensive. It just requires mindful living. Certain holistic treatments, like yoga classes and shopping at specialty food stores, can become expensive over the long term.

Check for food allergies prior to beginning any diet change/or alteration in diet. Some people are allergic to soy, nuts or wheat. Consult a physician immediately if any swelling or rash appears after consuming a new food.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. If you decide to try holistic medicine, consult your primary health care provider. Keep your doctor informed about the holistic treatment you undertake.

Consult to learn how educate yourself about alternative medicine claims (see Resources below). Learn how to assess those claims before you make your treatment decision.

How to Do a Pancreas Cleanse

How to Do a Pancreas Cleanse

Because our society is experiencing an epidemic of diabetes, more and more people are looking to maintain a healthy pancreas, which controls the manufacture of insulin in our bodies. A pancreas cleanse, done by taking natural herbal supplements along with eating a healthy diet, may help in dealing with diabetes, as well as other pancreatic maladies. Follow these steps to learn more.

Things You'll Need:


Computer with Internet access

Herbal supplements


Loofah sponge

Plan Your Pancreas Cleanse


Consider performing a colon cleanse or parasite cleanse before you begin your pancreas cleanse for the best results. The pancreas is particularly vulnerable to parasitic infections.


Decide upon a specific pancreas cleansing product, or a mixture of herbal supplements, to accompany the foods that will assist in your cleanse. Many herbal programs are fairly inexpensive, considering the health benefits you may achieve. Use online resources like (see Resources below) to comparison shop for products.


Choose a period of time where you can perform your pancreas cleanse without disrupting your normal routines, especially if you choose to do a colon or parasitic cleanse first. These cleanses can cause gastric distress and abnormal bowel movements.


Pick a multi-vitamin, as recommended by your doctor, to take during your pancreas cleanse. Many vitamins are important to maintaining proper pancreatic health.


Learn more about how to do a cleanse at (see Resources below).

Do Your Pancreatic Cleanse


Drink at least 7 to 10 glasses, each 8 oz., of water every day of your pancreas cleanse.


Integrate herbs, such as golden seal, juniper berries, uva ursi leaves, comfrey root, huckleberry, mullein leaves and yarrow, into your cleanse. These herbs all assist in proper pancreatic health.


Take at least 1 hot shower a day. Scrub your skin vigorously with a loofah sponge. This will help with blood circulation and will aid in dispelling harmful toxins from your body.


Exercise at least 45 minutes every day. Perform relaxation techniques, like deep breathing exercises, in order to help toxins exit the body through the sweat glands and lungs.

Tips & Warnings

Always consult with your physician before attempting any kind of body cleanse or fasting procedure, especially if you're receiving treatment or taking prescription medicine for a specific medical condition. Some natural supplements can interact negatively with prescription drugs.

Be prepared to stop the pancreatic cleanse immediately and seek medical help if you feel severe side effects such as dizziness, nausea or abdominal pain.

How to Do a Colon Cleanse

How to Do a Colon Cleanse

Most alternative health experts agree that periodic colon cleanses are a foundation of better health. They assert that other cleansing and fasting diets are effective only after doing a proper colon cleanse first. During a colon cleanse, you'll take a combination of herbs and vitamin supplements and feel more vital and energetic. Follow these steps to learn more.

Things You'll Need:

Colon cleansing product or herbal supplements

Computer with Internet access

Distilled or purified water

Plan Your Colon Cleanse


Discuss your health concerns and symptoms with your doctor to see if performing a colon cleanse will help alleviate the problem. Symptoms of an unhealthy colon include lethargy, loss of energy, painful bowel movements, bloating, acne and yeast infections.


Decide on the type of colon cleanse you want to do, using online resources like the "Colon Cleansing Zone" (see Resources below). Choose from a variety of herbal supplements and healthy foods that will assist you to reach your goals. Some herbal supplements can be fairly expensive. Shop around to find one that fits your budget.


Set aside a period to do your colon cleanse that will not interfere with your daily life. Colon cleanses can cause gastric distress, irregular bowel movements and sometimes even dizziness and nausea. They might disrupt your normal routine.


Save time and prepare your food in advance. Some of the foods conducive to colon cleansing, like brown rice, take time to cook properly.

Do Your Colon Cleanse


Take the colon product or supplement you've chosen according to the directions on the package. You can shop for colon cleanse products online through shopping engines at sites like (see Resources below).


Drink at least 7 to 10 glasses, each 8 oz., of distilled or purified water every day of your cleansing program. Colon cleanses can cause diarrhea or irregular bowel movements and can lead to dehydration.


Take plenty of hot showers, baths or even saunas when you do your colon cleanse. This will help to increase blood circulation. The steam and hot water will help expel the toxins from your system.


Employ a variety of relaxation techniques, like deep breathing exercises and walking, to help relax your digestive system when you do your cleanse.

Tips & Warnings

Before beginning any colon cleanse, it's important to consult a health care professional to discuss the hazards and benefits of specific herbal supplements, especially if you're being treated for a specific medical condition or if you're taking prescription drugs.

Visit your doctor or an emergency room immediately if side effects like diarrhea, constipation or gastrointestinal pain become too severe.

How to Do a 3-Day Cleanse

How to Do a 3-Day Cleanse

A 3-day body cleanse aims to expel toxins from the body and re-balance blood sugar levels. Many alternative health experts recommend a 3-day cleanse before you start any long-term exercise or diet plan. The cleanse will help you achieve the best results. Some perform cleanses to treat conditions as varied as depression, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome or plain old moodiness. The kind of 3-day cleanses you choose can vary, but most involve a modified diet or fast while you take herbs and avoid toxins like alcohol. Follow these steps to learn more.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access

Decide Which 3-Day Cleanse is Right For You


Compare various cleansing programs on objective Web sites like "Natural Healing Today" (see Resources below).


Perform a 3-day cleanse that's centered around organic fruits and vegetables if you don't like the thought of fasting. While some organic foods and supplements can cost a little bit more money, they yield better results. They don't add more toxins to your system.


Consider a 3-day cleanse based solely on the consumption of fruit juices, including diuretics like prune juice, for thorough results. Keep in mind that buying fresh-squeezed juices from a juice bar can become very pricey, very quickly. Consider buying a juicer or borrowing one from a friend.


Pick a 3-day period to do your cleanse where you'll not be under a lot of stress or be forced to vary from your normal routine. A 3-day weekend might be ideal.

Conduct Your 3-Day Cleanse


Adhere to the prescribed plan carefully. Many 3-day cleanses require that you consume exact amounts of food at very specific times throughout the day.


Try to take at least 2 hot showers a day. They aid blood circulation and help to dispel toxins from your body. Scrubbing vigorously with a sponge or loofah is recommended.


Spend at least 45 minutes each day exercising. This will help keep your energy level high during the cleansing period. Allow yourself to exercise gently. This is a time to get your blood flowing and breathe some fresh air. It's not a time to "feel the burn."


Ingest a tsp. or tbsp. of olive oil once or twice a day. It will help keep bile ducts and glands lubricated and enhance the effects of the cleansing.


Learn more about the benefits of a 3-day cleanse. You can do this by reading "3 Days to Vitality: Cleanse Your Body, Clear Your Mind, Claim Your Spirit" or other non-fiction cleansing books (see Resources below).

Tips & Warnings

Most 3-day body cleanses are inexpensive or moderately priced.

See your doctor before trying any type of cleansing or fasting program, especially if you're being treated for a medical condition.

Constipation or other types of gastrointestinal distress can occur during a body cleanse. Seek medical assistance immediately if the discomfort becomes too severe.

How to Determine the Effectiveness of a Folk Medicine Remedy

How to Determine the Effectiveness of a Folk Medicine Remedy

Determine the effectiveness of a folk medicine remedy by closely analyzing the results you do or do not experience. While opting for folk medicine treatments over the typical prescription medicine route can save money, these natural herbal remedies often take longer to have full effect. Follow these steps to learn more.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access

Judge Your Condition


Discern the effectiveness of your chosen folk medicine remedy by first being able to correctly identify your malady. If you're suffering from a cold, choose proper treatments by doing online research at Web sites like (see Resources below).


Choose a proper folk medicine remedy for arthritis by asking others who may suffer from a similar condition. It's suggested that having bees sting your areas of pain will help bring down swelling and alleviate discomfort over time.


Provide comfort to an allergy sufferer by procuring locally-grown honey. Folk medicine lore dictates that the greatest effectiveness will be found through repetitive administration. Most people enjoy the taste of honey. It's said that it's most effective when combined with pure lemon juice and warm water. Watch for a decrease in sneezing.


Learn through Newfoundland folk tradition that medicine for boils is known to be found in the leaves of the dandelion. You're supposed to boil them in water. Then you can eat them. This process may demonstrate effectiveness as a blood purifier. Determine otherwise if your condition persists.


Understand that a persistent cold can be explained in many folk medicine cultures as a spiritual problem. Often, time is the only cure. Once a person has paid a certain price with suffering, health will be allowed to return.


Determine the effectiveness of home remedies by trial and error. If symptoms worsen rather than improve, please consult professional medical help.

Tips & Warnings

Many folk remedies have been proven to have a scientific basis. The time-honored advice to eat chicken soup when you have a cold is a good example. The soup has been found to have antibiotic properties.

If symptoms become severe, enlist the help of a physician. Chest pain, difficulty breathing or sudden headache, for example, may be signs of life-threatening problems. Call an ambulance.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. If you decide to try folk medicine, consult your primary health care provider. Keep your doctor informed about the folk medical technique you undertake.

Read about the risks of untested and unregulated remedies in "The New England Journal of Medicine" (see Resources below).

Consult to learn how educate yourself about alternative medicine claims (see Resources below). Learn how to assess those claims before you make your treatment decision.

How to Clean Jewelry With Ammonia

How to Clean Jewelry With Ammonia

Some of the most precious possessions enjoyed by both men and women include fine jewelry pieces. Whether your favorite piece of jewelry is a family heirloom you rarely wear, or your diamond wedding ring that never comes off, taking regular care and cleaning your jewelry keeps it looking great. Ammonia is a great and safe cleaning agent, that when used properly, can keep your jewelry looking new.

Things You'll Need:


Soft cloth

Soft bristle toothbrush

Liquid dishwashing soap

Cotton swabs


Clean diamonds and colored gems by making a solution of one part water and one part ammonia. Soak your jewelry in the solution for 30 minutes. Rinse with cool water and place on a towel to dry.


Use an old soft bristle toothbrush, if soaking doesn't clean deeply enough. Dip the brush in the cleaning solution and gently 'tap' around the mounting with the bristles of the brush, removing any dirt and grime that may have built up. Dip the ring into the solution once more to remove loose pieces, rinse and place on a towel to dry.


Remove light tarnish from gold and silver jewelry by mixing 1/4 cup of warm water, 2 tsp. of liquid dishwashing soap and 1 tsp. of ammonia. Place the solution on a soft cloth or cotton swab and gently rub the jewelry until the tarnish is removed.


Soak the jewelry in the tarnish solution for 30 minutes if the soft cloth or cotton swab cannot remove tarnish from detail or around mountings. Remove the jewelry and cover the head of a toothbrush with a soft cloth, rubbing gently with the covered toothbrush until the tarnish is removed. You may soak the jewelry again if necessary.

Tips & Warnings

Jewelry quickly picks of dirt and grime. To keep your jewelry clean, use the ammonia solutions often and take of your jewelry when cleaning, applying make-up or lotion.

When storing your jewelry, remember that diamonds can easily scratch other jewelry, including other diamonds. Protect your jewelry by wrapping each piece in cloth.

How to Clean Inside a Watch

How to Clean Inside a Watch

Because of the intricate nature of a watch, it can be tough to clean it if it gets dirty. One small speck of sand can cause devastating damage to your precious time piece. But experts are able to open up your watch and clean the inside, making it as good as new again.


Disassemble the watch. This requires removing the case and the movement.


Clean the case and the movement with a special cleaner. Many jewelers prefer to clean using ultrasonic technology. This gently shakes dirt and other particles free from the gears. But the chemicals are gentle enough that they won't cause any erosion to the watch parts.


Lubricate the movement while the watch parts are out on the table. This is similar to changing the oil in your car. Adequate lubrication allows the critical parts in your watch to last to their full expected life.


Refinish the outside of the watch. The case of the watch and metal bands are refinished to make your watch look brand new again. Leather bands and plastic bands are not able to be refinished because of their texture.


Replace all gaskets and test the watch to make sure it's water tight. A certified watch maker will make sure the case meets or exceeds factory requirements.


Reassemble the watch and inspect it. The watch maker will make sure your watch is working in prime condition. You should also inspect your watch when you pick it up, to make sure there are no problems.

Tips & Warnings

It is possible for you to clean the inside of your own watch. However, watch cleaning solutions can be very dangerous. They were not designed for use in your home. Talk to an expert about proper handling of these chemicals.

How to Clean Emerald Jewelry

How to Clean Emerald Jewelry

Emeralds are hard stones that complement any type of jewelry with their brilliant green color. The emerald is the birthstone of May and was used in ancient times to promote healing. If you own any emerald jewelry, you need to know the basics of cleaning it.


Polish the emerald jewelry with a soft cloth for several minutes. This removes any build up of oils and dirt.


Fill a bowl with mild soap and lukewarm water. This is the safest way to clean jewelry since if you wash smaller pieces over the sink, they may fall down the drain.


Scrub the jewelry with a soft toothbrush. Clean all parts of the jewelry, including the hard to reach prong area. A soft jewelry brush can be used as well.


Rinse with clean lukewarm water. You should fill another bowl with water and submerge the jewelry in it. Check to make sure that there is no soap residue left.


Pat the jewelry dry with a clean soft towel. Once you are finished, you can store the jewelry in a dry place or wear it again.


Ask your jeweler for a professional cleaning. Every few months, you should also take the emerald jewelry in to be cleaned by your jewelry retailer.

Tips & Warnings

Do not clean emerald jewelry with an ultrasonic cleaner. Emeralds are often treated with oils and this type of cleaning will remove the oils.

Do not use commercial jewelry cleaners on emeralds. These can cause damage to the stones.

How to Clean Diamonds

How to Clean Diamonds

If diamonds are your best friends, treat them accordingly. Regular cleaning will keep your jewels sparkling.

Things You'll Need:

Dishwashing Liquid

Dishwashing Liquid


Small Bowls

Paper Towels

Paper Towels

Paper towels

Soapy Solution


Take a small bowl and mix a small amount of mild dish detergent with warm water until sudsy.


Dip the item to be cleaned into the solution.


Dip a soft toothbrush into the cleaning solution, and gently brush the item.


Rinse in warm running water.


Pat dry with a soft, lint-free cloth.

Ammonia Solution


Take a small bowl and mix a solution of 6 parts water to 1 part ammonia.


Dip the item to be cleaned into the solution.


Dip a soft toothbrush into the cleaning solution, and gently brush the item.


Pay special attention to the backs of stones and their mountings, areas that tend to collect dirt and oils.


Rinse in warm running water.


Pat dry with a soft lint-free cloth.

Tips & Warnings

For especially soiled diamonds, mix a solution of half cold water and half ammonia in a small bowl. Let the item soak in the solution for 30 minutes, then gently brush the item with a soft toothbrush. Rinse in warm running water and allow the item to air dry on paper towels.

Be sure to use the ammonia and ammonia-water solution only in a well-ventilated area, and avoid inhaling the ammonia solution directly.