How to Determine the Effectiveness of a Folk Medicine Remedy

How to Determine the Effectiveness of a Folk Medicine Remedy

Determine the effectiveness of a folk medicine remedy by closely analyzing the results you do or do not experience. While opting for folk medicine treatments over the typical prescription medicine route can save money, these natural herbal remedies often take longer to have full effect. Follow these steps to learn more.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access

Judge Your Condition


Discern the effectiveness of your chosen folk medicine remedy by first being able to correctly identify your malady. If you're suffering from a cold, choose proper treatments by doing online research at Web sites like (see Resources below).


Choose a proper folk medicine remedy for arthritis by asking others who may suffer from a similar condition. It's suggested that having bees sting your areas of pain will help bring down swelling and alleviate discomfort over time.


Provide comfort to an allergy sufferer by procuring locally-grown honey. Folk medicine lore dictates that the greatest effectiveness will be found through repetitive administration. Most people enjoy the taste of honey. It's said that it's most effective when combined with pure lemon juice and warm water. Watch for a decrease in sneezing.


Learn through Newfoundland folk tradition that medicine for boils is known to be found in the leaves of the dandelion. You're supposed to boil them in water. Then you can eat them. This process may demonstrate effectiveness as a blood purifier. Determine otherwise if your condition persists.


Understand that a persistent cold can be explained in many folk medicine cultures as a spiritual problem. Often, time is the only cure. Once a person has paid a certain price with suffering, health will be allowed to return.


Determine the effectiveness of home remedies by trial and error. If symptoms worsen rather than improve, please consult professional medical help.

Tips & Warnings

Many folk remedies have been proven to have a scientific basis. The time-honored advice to eat chicken soup when you have a cold is a good example. The soup has been found to have antibiotic properties.

If symptoms become severe, enlist the help of a physician. Chest pain, difficulty breathing or sudden headache, for example, may be signs of life-threatening problems. Call an ambulance.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. If you decide to try folk medicine, consult your primary health care provider. Keep your doctor informed about the folk medical technique you undertake.

Read about the risks of untested and unregulated remedies in "The New England Journal of Medicine" (see Resources below).

Consult to learn how educate yourself about alternative medicine claims (see Resources below). Learn how to assess those claims before you make your treatment decision.