How to do Henna tattoo

How to do Henna tattoo

Indian art of temporary tattoo which is also called Henna tattoo. Henna is made out of dried henna leaves which are powdered and mixed with water to a consistency to make designs on the clean skin. the natural pigment in the henna leaves has the orange tint which transfers on to the skin temporarily. this is semi permanent for about a week and fades away to nothing.

In India henna is used for various medical reasons like taking the body heat away, cracked heel repair and for its anti-fungal qualities.

you can buy henna powder from any indian stores. you ca even buy a ready made henna cones which are easy to use and mess free. I have below explained both ways of doing the tattoo.

Things You'll Need:

Henna powder (Indian stores) or ready made Henna cones.


Zip lock bag


tooth pick


Take a glass bowl and mix Henna powder and water bringing it to a consistency of whipped cream. make sure there are no lumps. Leave the mixture for half an hour to set, covering with the cling film for the mixture not to get dried up. with the ready made cones you can use it straight away.


take a Zip lock bag and transfer the mixture in to it and make the bag like an icing cone.


draw the design of your choice on the area where you want to tattoo to make the job easy. make sure the area of the skin is free from moisturizer or any other cream.


now take the bag with the mixture and cut an end making a very very small hole. same with the ready made cones, cut the end just big enough for the henna to come out as think as the pen mark. use the bag as an icing bag and follow the design on the skin. leave the design to be dried which takes normally 15 to 20 minutes.


wash it off and apply some moisturizer. you will be left with an orange tint on the skin. the color varies from skin to skin depending on the age of the henna leaves and the body heat. the color can range from very light orange tint to almost black. and again this color changes from day to day till it fades. it can get lighter to darker to lighter again.


Henna is a herbal tattoo so its as safe as just using a pen on your skin. however some ready made henna cones contains some chemicals ( not harsh ) to enhance the color on the skin. some people are allergic to this.


some people are not good at using the cone style, for those i suggest making the consistency of the mixture more liquid. take a tooth pick as this is wooden its safe. dip the tooth pick in the mixture and draw the design on the skin, like using the feather pen. which ever style you choose, it gives the same results.