How to Follow a Holistic Medicine Lifestyle

How to Follow a Holistic Medicine Lifestyle

Holistic medicine is an approach to health that seeks to treat the whole person rather than just a condition. Through practices like yoga, nutrition and acupuncture, holistic medical practitioners endeavor to help individuals attain a healthy lifestyle that includes attention to spiritual and emotional factors. Follow these steps to find out what holistic medicine could do for you.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access

Access to holistic medicine practitioners or books

Investigate Holistic Medicine


Begin by learning more about holistic medicine. The Web site of the "American Holistic Health Association" (see Resources below) provides good information on how you can adopt the holistic lifestyle.


Buy a reference book like Norman D. Ford's "Lifestyle for Longevity" (see Resources below).


Consider visiting holistic practitioners for advice and consultation. The "American Holistic Health Association" Web site has a tool you can use to find practitioners (see Resources below).


Remember that to follow the holistic lifestyle, you must pay as much attention to your emotional, spiritual and mental health as you do your physical health. Tending to your relationships and your emotional needs is an important part of beginning to adopt a new lifestyle.

Start With the Basics


Begin by getting good nutrition. Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. For protein, eat fish and lean meat. Avoid junk food.


Maintain or achieve an appropriate weight. Consult a practitioner if you need help to reach that weight.


Reduce stress. Follow an exercise regimen that releases endorphins and maintains a healthy body weight. Consider taking up yoga or tai chi. It's believed that both can provide mental and spiritual benefits as well as physical ones. Even a brisk, 20-minute walk outdoors will help clear your mind and get your heart pumping.


Stop drinking too much alcohol. Don't smoke.


Get plenty of rest. Sleep is restorative. Adequate sleep and recreation are important parts of a healthy lifestyle.


Learn to pay attention to your body. It will often tell you just what it needs.


Take some time to be alone. Reflect and meditate.

Tips & Warnings

Begin a holistic medicine lifestyle by reading books on the subject as well as by talking to people who follow this lifestyle.

Holistic living in and of itself is inexpensive. It just requires mindful living. Certain holistic treatments, like yoga classes and shopping at specialty food stores, can become expensive over the long term.

Check for food allergies prior to beginning any diet change/or alteration in diet. Some people are allergic to soy, nuts or wheat. Consult a physician immediately if any swelling or rash appears after consuming a new food.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. If you decide to try holistic medicine, consult your primary health care provider. Keep your doctor informed about the holistic treatment you undertake.

Consult to learn how educate yourself about alternative medicine claims (see Resources below). Learn how to assess those claims before you make your treatment decision.